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🏃 Away Mode

The away mode lowers the temperature if comfort is set and you briefly leave the house or room. You have several options for this.

🏃 Away Temperature Offset

The offset that is subtracted from the current comfort temperature if the away mode is triggered. 0 means off.

⏲️ Schedule Away Mode

If this option is activated, the away mode is activated as soon as the active schedule is on but no one is at home. If the schedule is off and no one is at home, the eco temperature is set as usual.

🚶 Presence Away Mode

If someone is at home but no presence is detected, the away mode is activated.

Presence Person Presence Schedule Mode
Detected home not set Comfort
Not Detected home not set Away Mode
- not home no matter Eco
Detected home on Comfort
Not Detected home on Away Mode
Detected home off Eco
Not Detected home off Eco

🚶 Ignore People For Presence Away Mode

If you want to ignore persons for the away mode enable this option.

Presence Presence Schedule Mode
Detected not set Comfort
Not Detected not set Eco
Detected on Comfort
Not Detected on Away Mode
Detected off Eco
Not Detected off Eco